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Addition is to find the total sum of 2 or more numbers

Big numbers obey the same rules as little numbers

Composite numbers have more than 2 factors

Decimals are numbers less than 1 and begin with a decimal point

Eleven is a Prime number because it has only 2 factors

Factors are numbers that are divisible into other numbers with no remainder

Greatest common factor reduces fractions to their lowest terms

Hundred is 100 which is a square number because 10*10 = 100

Irrational Numbers can't be expressed as fractions

July is now the 7th month of the year but it once was September in Roman times

Kilo means a thousand which is 1000

Lowest common denominator is needed when adding or subtracting fractions

Multiplication is to times 2 or more numbers to find their product

Number one is not a prime or composite number because it has only 1 factor

Ordinal numbers are in the form of: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th .... etc

Percentage means how many parts of 100 there are as for example 75/100 = 75%

Quantity simple means how mant there are

Roman numerals are: M=100, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5 and I=1

Simplifying fractions makes it easier to convert them into decimals or percentages

Ten is 10 but a tenth is 1/10 as a fraction or 0.1 as a decimal

Underneath a fraction is its denominator and above its numerator

Value simply means what's it worth in numbers

Whole numbers are integers without fractions or decimals

X is the symbol for multiplication and is sometimes denoted as *

Years are often notated in Roman numerals

Zero is the most important of the digits of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9 because it maintains the positional place value of all numbers as for example it tells us that 207 or 237 is different from 27

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Q: What are 26 simple facts about numbers from A to Z with simple explanations?
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26,26,and 26 is 26 or 25,26,and 27 is 26

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A number minus 26 is 18?

Hi, lets call the number x so in this case X - 26 = 18 The simple form is to add inverse numbers to each side to make it easier. This means that we take one of the numbers and add it to both sides as a negative. In this instance we'll use -26. At the moment it's negative so we'll add a positive to each side. I have made bold the two inverse numbers I have added. X -26 + 26 = 18 + 26 So on the left side we have -26 + 26 = 0 so we can simplify it to X - 0, or just X On the right hand side we have 18 + 26 = 44 so we have the answer X = 44 44 - 26 = 18