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Roots absorb water from the ground and stabilize the tree.

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Q: What are 2 ways roots help trees stay alive?
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What are special kinds of roots that help tall trees stay upright called?

Special kinds of roots that help tall trees stay upright are called Buttress roots. These roots stick out at the base and on top of the ground. They are usually found on trees that are growing in nutrient poor soil. Buttress roots stabilize the tree.

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Can ice help a Christmas tree stay alive longer?

yes because christmas trees are used to the cold.

Why do long roots help some desert plants stay alive?

Long roots of desert plants penetrate deep in the soil in search of capillary water and absorb it for the plant's survival

What do roots do to keep a plant stay alive?

They absorb the nutrients in the soil and use it.

How might roots help the tree in windy weather?

The roots might help it stay put. HOPE IT HELPED!

Do roots help the plant to stay healthy?


Why do plants need storage roots?

if there is a drought the plant can stay alive for a short while with the nutrience from the roots. Storage roots are also a way to store food.

What does a arbologist study?

Arbology is the study of trees. You might help cut down trees or you might help trees stay healthy.

How roots help a plant grow?

to get water in the ground because the roots are so strong to stay up.

How do people use roots?

people use roots for food, medcines.

How does a vacuole help a cactus stay alive?

The vacuole stores water and nutrients that help keep the cactus alive.