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Q: What are 4 islands that have limestone and volcanic features?
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What features does islands have?

Islands have unique ecosystems, diverse flora and fauna, and provide valuable habitats for wildlife. They often have distinct plant and animal species found nowhere else, known as endemic species. Islands also offer opportunities for research on evolution, conservation, and sustainability.

What forms when oceanic plates collide?

1. Oceanic trenches. 2. Volcanic islands. 3. Volcanic mountains. and 4. Volcanic arcs.

What three types of island formations are in the Caribbean?

There are actually more than three types of island formation. Here are some: 1. Coral Islands 2. Volcanic Islands 3. Oceanic Islands 4. Barrier Islands 5. Continental Islands

What are five landform features formed by magma?

volcanic neck, dike, sill, batholiths, dome mountain, and laccolith

What island was formed from an undersea volcano?

Thousands of islands have been formed by undersea volcanoes including the Hawaiian Islands, the Galapagos, many of the western Antilles, the Aleutian Islands, the Philippines, the South Sandwich Islands, the Canary Islands, the Azores, the Marianas, and many others.

What are 4 different types of solid pyroclastics?

The 4 different types of solid pyroclastics are volcanic bombs, lapilli, volcanic ash, and volcanic blocks

Hawaii physical features?

It is a string of islands known as an archipelago formed by volcanoes. The state gets 4 inches closer to Japan every year.

How hard is Limestone?

the hardness of it is 3 - 4

What can scratch Limestone?

Anything higher on the hardness scale for example if limestone has a hardness of 4 then it would take something with a hardness of 4 or higher to scratch it.

How much limestone is quarried each year?

on average 3-4 million tonnes of limestone is quarried each year.

What are 4 common rocks?

Sandstone, limestone, granite and shale.

What are 4 uses of limestone?

concrete , glass, cement and mortar