

What are 5 examples of a linear scale?

Updated: 5/30/2024
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11y ago

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Two features may be said to have a linear relationshipwhen an increase in one produces an equivalent increase in the other. This would be indicated by a straight line graph. Such as the mass Vs the volume of a consistent material.

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1w ago
  1. A ruler measuring inches or centimeters.
  2. A thermometer marking temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.
  3. The number line used in mathematics.
  4. A speedometer displaying a vehicle's speed in miles per hour or kilometers per hour.
  5. A countdown timer measuring time in seconds or minutes.
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11y ago

Just draw a line, divide it in five (or more) equal parts and constantly add the same number to each tick.






[100, 200, 300, 400]

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"A device for which the output is, within a given dynamic range, linearly proportional to the input" e.g. a spring scale is linear device for measuring weight.

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Linear is a straight line and non linear could be a curve or anything but a straight line

What is the difference between linear and non linear scales?

A linear scale is a scale with equal divisions for equal vales, for example a ruler. A non linear scale is where the relationship between the variables is not directly proportional.

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The Richter scale is not a linear scale. This means that an earthquake of magnitude 6 does not have twice as destructive power as the earthquake of magnitude 3. Actually, an earthquake with magnitude 5 is ten times more destructive than an earthquake of magnitude 4. The Richter scale is a logarithmic scale.

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To convert a direct statement scale to a linear scale, assign numerical values to the categories or statements on the direct statement scale. Then, plot these values on a linear scale, ensuring that the spacing between values is consistent to create a linear relationship between the categories or statements.

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A scale factor is the ratio of corresponding linear measures of two objects.A scale factor is the ratio of corresponding linear measures of two objects.A scale factor is the ratio of corresponding linear measures of two objects.A scale factor is the ratio of corresponding linear measures of two objects.

What is the difference between a linear scale and a nonlinear scale?

A linear scale is much more simple to use and provides accurate readings it also works faster than the non-linear scale . This scale does not take much work and has equal divisions. In a linear scale, there is an equal amount between each mark; this is the normal kind of scale that is used in most everyday graphs/charts. In a non-linear scale, the difference between each mark is not the same, for example each mark, although the same distance apart on the paper, represents twice the value of the previous mark. Two examples which are met regularly are logarithmic in nature: pH (acid/alkali scale - eg pH balanced shampoo) and dB (deci-Bel - relative loudness of sounds).

What fraction of the volume is the steroe playing the radio is at 4 and there is a total of 5?

The volume on a stereo is usually not a linear scale but graduated in decibels or on a power scale and the answer depends on which of the two.

What are examples of linear relationships?

examples of linear relationships are: - Y= mX + b -Y= mx -Y= 2(6) + 2 - Y= 2(6) - 2 - Y= 3(5)

What are different types of scaling?

They are verbal scale, Linear Scale and fraction scale.

What are the different types of scales?

They are verbal scale, Linear Scale and fraction scale.