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Q: What are 5 friends of john Hancock?
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Facts about John Hancock?

He longed for friends when he was young.

Was John Hancock friends with George Washington?

Now one knows for sure

Who were john Hancock's grandchildren?

believe it or not but heather lockleer Edit: It would depend on what John Hancock you are referring to. If you are referring to the one who signed the Declaration of Independents he had 2 children, John George Washington Hancock (yes he was named after George Washington the President as John Hancock was friends with him) and Lydia Henchman Hancock. They both unfortunately died, Lydia at about 8 months and John at about 8 years old. The nearest descendants of John Hancock are from his grandfathers brother, Nathaniel Hancock. Additional Note: The reason I wrote the first sentence like I did was because John Hancock's (signer of the Declaration of Independents) father and grandfathers names were also John Hancock.

Who first signed the declaration of independents?

John Hancock.

Who is related to John Hancock?

john hancock jr. his son

How did John Hancock get his name?

From his father John Hancock Jr. and his father John Hancock Sr.

Did John Hancock have a ponytail?

No, John Hancock did not have a ponytail.

What was John Hancock importance?

Why was John Hancock importance

Was John Hancock single?

no john Hancock was married

When did john Hancock's kids die?

Lydia Hancock 10months old John George Washington Hancock 8 years old

When did John Hancock's uncle adopted him?

no john hancock did not get adopted

What was john Hancock's in the war?

what was john hancock's role in the war