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tell about adaptation like example i will give adaptation of octopus 1 it found in marine water 2 it have eight arms 3 its arms contain spine

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Q: What are Adaptation found in water lilly?
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What adaptation found in water lilly?

tell about adaptation like example i will give adaptation of octopus 1 it found in marine water 2 it have eight arms 3 its arms contain spine

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What are things that can be found on water?

lilly pods and many animals such as dragonflies ect

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Lilly hine you are the cutest girl ever!! <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 xoxoxox

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"Ren" means water lilly. Any regular lilly is "Yuri"

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a lilly pad is the green leafy looking thing that floats on the water. a water lilly is the actuall flower that is on the lilly pad

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Justin bieber loves the name Lilly if he found a girl named Lilly he would be married to her in a heart beat!

What is the adaptation of a Yangtze river dolphin?

ITs adaptation is water

What is the species of the water lilly?

Nymphaea esculenta

What plant that grow in water?

Some examples of plants that grow in water include lotus, water lilies, water hyacinth, and duckweed. These plants have adapted to thrive in aquatic environments by having specialized structures and mechanisms to access nutrients and maintain buoyancy.

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Never Water a Lilly with Wine - 1941 was released on: USA: 20 October 1941

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Walk on Water - 2009 Lilly's Past was released on: USA: 29 September 2009