

What are Features of batch costing?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Batch costing

1. It is a refinement of job costing.

2. Here the unit of measurement is batch comprising of lots of similar units.

3. Separate cost sheet are maintained for each batch of products by assigning a unique batch number.

4. Cost per unit in a batch =Total cost of batch/No of units in the batch.

5. Applications :-Pharmaceuticals , drug industry, readymade garments ,manufacture of electronic parts of TV etc.

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Q: What are Features of batch costing?
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Batch processing means the production of units of products in continuous process where products units produced without any break and different process of making product continuously keep working and produce in mass quantities. It is different from job costing in this sense that in job costing, costs of separate jobs or projects are kept separate from each other and costing of each job is done separately which is not done in process or batch costing.

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Job costing, batch costing and process costing job costing is used in a business where the production is made up of individual large jobs , each of which is different and has different inputs of materials and labour. batch costing is suitable for a business that produces batches of identical units, but each batch is for different units. process costing is the costing method applicable where goods or services result from a sequence of continuous or repetitive operations or processes.

Difference between the job costing and batch costing?

Under JOB COSTING all costs relevant to specific jobs are maintained separately to find out the total cost and revenue. Under BATCH COSTING all costs are allocated to production process in batch and there is no separate record for how much any type of material or labor allocated to which units of products normally in mass productions units.

What are the advantages of batch costing?

Batch costing helps in determining the exact cost of producing a batch of products, which can aid in setting appropriate selling prices and making informed decisions about production quantities. It also provides better control over costs and enables efficient resource allocation for each batch of production.

Define process costing its types features applications?

Job Order Costing Operation Costing Normal Costing Actual Costing Standard Costing Kaizen Costing Target Cost

What is a cost unit in cost accounting?

Cost unit is a unit of production, service or time or combination of these, in relation to which costs may be ascertained or expressed. Ex: Toy making: Batch costing, unit of cost: per batch (ex: $500 per batch) Advertising: Job Costing, unit of cost: per Job Hospital: Operating costing, unit of cost: per patient day

Features of differential costing?

The features of differential costing include residual costs, variable costs, future costs, and making choices among alternative.

What do you mean by batch costing?

The identification and assignment of costs related to producing a set amount of goods. This includes all fixed and variable costs for producing the batch. The unit cost of a batch of goods can be calculated by dividing the batch cost by the number of units produced.