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4 most essential limitations of Statistics

Statistics is indispensable to almost all sciences - social, physical and natural. It is very often used in most of the spheres of human activity. In spite of the wide scope of the subject it has certain limitations. Some important limitations of statistics are the following:

1. Statistics does not study qualitative phenomena:

Statistics deals with facts and figures. So the quality aspect of a variable or the subjective phenomenon falls out of the scope of statistics. For example, qualities like beauty, honesty, intelligence etc. cannot be numerically expressed. So these characteristics cannot be examined statistically. This limits the scope of the subject.

2. Statistical laws are not exact:

Statistical laws are not exact as incase of natural sciences. These laws are true only on average. They hold good under certain conditions. They cannot be universally applied. So statistics has less practical utility.

3. Statistics does not study individuals:

Statistics deals with aggregate of facts. Single or isolated figures are not statistics. This is considered to be a major handicap of statistics.

4. Statistics can be misused:

Statistics is mostly a tool of analysis. Statistical techniques are used to analyze and interpret the collected information in an enquiry. As it is, statistics does not prove or disprove anything. It is just a means to an end. Statements supported by statistics are more appealing and are commonly believed. For this, statistics is often misused. Statistical methods rightly used are beneficial but if misused these become harmful. Statistical methods used by less expert hands will lead to inaccurate results. Here the fault does not lie with the subject of statistics but with the person who makes wrong use of it.

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1mo ago

Limitations of the scientific method in psychology include the complexity of human behavior, ethical constraints on research involving human subjects, difficulty in controlling all variables in real-world settings, and potential biases in data collection and interpretation. Additionally, the reliance on empirical evidence may overlook important qualitative or subjective aspects of human experience.

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It's reductionist, often subjective and often not falsifiable meaning that it cannot be confirmed.

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Q: What are Limitations of scientific method in psychology?
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What is the first step to the scientific method in psychology?

The first step of the scientific method in psychology is to form a research question based on observation or prior knowledge. This step helps to establish a clear direction for the research and sets the foundation for the study to be conducted.

What is the basic way in which psychology differs from false sciences?

Psychology is a valid scientific field that uses empirical evidence and the scientific method to study human behavior and mental processes. False sciences lack empirical evidence, do not adhere to the scientific method, and often make unverifiable claims about human behavior or cognition.

What procedure led the way to the development and use of the scientific method in psychology?

The development and use of the scientific method in psychology was influenced by empirical research methods and experimentation, as well as the application of principles of logic and critical thinking. Early pioneers such as Wilhelm Wundt and William James played crucial roles in shaping the scientific approach to studying human behavior and mental processes. Their emphasis on systematic observation, data collection, and hypothesis testing laid the foundation for the adoption of the scientific method in psychology.

What helped psychology to be recognized as a science?

Key factors that helped psychology to be recognized as a science include the development of the scientific method and the establishment of rigorous research standards to study human behavior and mental processes. Additionally, the emergence of behaviorism with a focus on observable behaviors and experimental psychology further solidified psychology's scientific status.

What are the types of Survey Methods in psychology?

There are various types of survey methods in psychology, including self-report surveys, interviews (structured and unstructured), observational surveys, and online surveys. Each method has its own strengths and limitations, and researchers may choose the method that best fits their research question and goals.

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What is the first step to the scientific method in psychology?

The first step of the scientific method in psychology is to form a research question based on observation or prior knowledge. This step helps to establish a clear direction for the research and sets the foundation for the study to be conducted.

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The word Psychology derives from the Greek words "Psyche," "soul, and "Ology," "the science of." Indeed, like all other branches of Science whether it be Biology or Chemistry, Psychology does follow the scientific method to reach their conclusions. Nothing credible is simply an arbitrary statement. Therefore all Psychology is Scientific.

What is the basic way in which psychology differs from false sciences?

Psychology is a valid scientific field that uses empirical evidence and the scientific method to study human behavior and mental processes. False sciences lack empirical evidence, do not adhere to the scientific method, and often make unverifiable claims about human behavior or cognition.

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What procedure led the way to the development and use of the scientific method in psychology?

The development and use of the scientific method in psychology was influenced by empirical research methods and experimentation, as well as the application of principles of logic and critical thinking. Early pioneers such as Wilhelm Wundt and William James played crucial roles in shaping the scientific approach to studying human behavior and mental processes. Their emphasis on systematic observation, data collection, and hypothesis testing laid the foundation for the adoption of the scientific method in psychology.