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Q: What are Overcrowded run down apartments where factory workers lived called?
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What were the factories in 1900-1914?

Many factory workers lived in crowded apartments, called tenements; this was especially true of immigrant workers. The tenements were often unsanitary (there was generally one bathroom per floor, and many residents had to share it), poorly heated, and dangerously overcrowded, allowing diseases to spread. in some cities, factory owners had dormitory-like apartments for female workers; these were very spartan, often single rooms, with a shared bathroom. Workers who lived in rural areas or out west sometimes lived in sod houses, but most of the factories were in urban areas, so the majority of workers lived in tenements.

What is the difference between factory and industry?

Something is to be manufactured is factory(in factory worker called as Labour), a group of factory is called as industry( in industry workers called as employee).

Why was Lowell was called a model factory town?

factory workers ther lived in clean, decent housing.

People who individually bought ownership in a corporation were called?

Factory workers

Why was Lowell Massachusetts called a model factory town?

factory workers ther lived in clean, decent housing.

What are the workers called in the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

Those tiny men are called Oompa Loompas.

Which system brings workers and machines together under one roof to manufacturde goods?

The system is called the factory system.

What is manufacturing overhead?

cost incurred for manufacturing of good and services. It is also called Factory overheads. Example Factory rent,Factory workers salary,other cost which is incurred in factory to manufacture a Product

What are studio apartments in London called?

Studio apartments or bedsits Mostly people are called Studio apartments.

What term did Karl Marx use to describe factory workers?

Karl Marx used the term "proletariat" to describe factory workers who do not own the means of production and must sell their labor to survive.

Who are the workers in Willy Wonka chocolate factory?

They are called oomph loom pa's andwilly wonka rescued them so he asked them to work for him!

Was pebble point apartments an orphanage?

Yes. Before it was called pebble point, it was to called The Orphanage Children. And when workers were digging up to make pebble point, they discovered babys and little children bodys dugged up.