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Scientists who use principles to develop new technology work in the field of applied science.

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Q: What are Scientists called who use principles to develop new technology work?
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no, only comets develop glowing tails.Fun Fact:some scientists called comets "dirty snowballs"

The practical use of a scientific knowledge is called what?

The practical use of scientific knowledge is called technology. Technology involves the application of scientific principles to create tools, products, and systems that solve real-world problems and improve human conditions.

What do you call the people who make theories?

The people who make theories are called theorists. They are individuals who develop hypotheses or principles to explain a particular phenomenon or set of phenomena.

How do scientist develop solutions to problems?

Scientists use something called the Scientific Method. This concept is well-known and is taught to kids at an early age.

Through genetic engineering scientists are experimenting with methods to change the arrangement of what in a gene?

I think it's called recombinant technology

The application of science principles to practical use?

There is a very long list. Science principles are found in all most every thing such as motors , fans , movement loads , chemical actions and other activities. The whole area is called Technology.

What is study of materials?

The study of materials is called materials science or materials engineering. It focuses on understanding the properties and behaviors of different substances, such as metals, ceramics, and polymers, to develop new materials for various applications, including in technology, medicine, and construction. Scientists in this field investigate how materials can be manipulated and optimized to enhance their performance.

How many rings do scientists think Saturn have?

Saturn has thousands of small rings, but the exact number is unknown, according to California Institute of Technology. Scientists group the rings together into seven categories, which are separated by gaps called divisions

Is kohlbergs stage postconventional?

Yes, Kohlberg's stage of moral development called postconventional is the highest level where individuals develop their own set of moral principles based on universal ethical principles, rather than just following societal norms or rules.

What is it called when scientists share their info with other scientists?

its called communicate.

What is it called when scientists study plants?

When scientists study plants, it is called Botany.

What are the scientists who study caves called?

Scientists who study caves are called speleologists