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Active reading means having a full understanding of whatever one is reading. You don't just read passively but think as you read. Strategies or methods to practice active reading include visualization, asking questions, analyzing, making predictions, summarizing and forming your own response or opinion based on what you read.

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10y ago
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12y ago

if you want to just get the main just of the passage, just skim it. pay most attention to the first and last sentences, paying attention to some possible main points inbetween. also, look at the middle of the page and dont worry about every single word. your eyes will pick up on the edges. it takes some practice, but when cramming for time, that strategy can be useful

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9y ago

The six active reading strategies are:


  • Look at the cover.
  • Study the title.
  • What does the back of the book say?
  • Can you picture in your mind the people, places, and events that are happening when you read?
  • Connect Is this something you personally know about?
  • How does it relate to your own experiences and life?
  • Ask questions about what is happening in the story.
  • What happened?
  • Why?
  • How do the people involved feel about the events?
  • Reviewing is a part of life. You must review.
  • Summarize the story and main idea.
  • Make inferences.
Draw conclusions
  • Reread the parts that are not clear.
  • Use outside sources.
  • What do you think about what you've read?
  • Did you like the characters?
  • What would you change about the ending or the literature in general?
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6y ago

The best reading strategy is to ask questions as you read. Ask things like "What did that passage tell me?" and "What was the author trying to say in that chapter?" Ask "What might happen next?" and "What does that word mean?" The more questions you ask yourself, the better you'll understand the work you're reading (assuming you go on to actually answer the questions, that is).

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