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Fear of Spiders. Half of women and 10 per cent of men have a fear of spiders.

2. Social Phobia

Social phobia is the fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations.

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3 - Aerophobia

Fear of flying, usually after a person watches a plane crash.

4. Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia involves intense fear and avoidance of any place or situation where escape might be difficult or help unavailable in the event of developing sudden panic-like symptoms.

5 - Claustrophobia

Fear of being trapped in small confined spaces.

6. Acrophobia

Fear of heights.

7. Emetophobia

Fear of vomit.

8 - Carcinophobia

Carcinophobia is an extreme form of fear from a cancer.

9 - Brontophobia

Brontophobia known as Astraphobia, Keraunophobia, Tonitrophobia or the fear of lightning and thunder, especially affects children. However, the symptoms of this specific phobic condition are also quite apparent in adults and teenagers.

10 - Necrophobia

Necrophobia, or the fear of the dead, is a psychological status when one feels afraid of death or dead things.

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8y ago
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14y ago

I would guess that the animals that instil most fear and phobias are:




big cats



wasps & bees

crocadiles & aligators



Or, in order they could be...











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15y ago

afraid of the dark and cheeseburgers! 1. Arachnophobia - the fear of spiders. There is no escape from these eight-legged beasts. They live in our houses, gardens, and even our places of work. True arachnophobes are even scared of pictures of spiders. 2. Social phobia - the fear of social situations. More than simple shyness. This is an extreme fear of being scrutinised by others, or humiliated by one's own actions. 3. Aerophobia - the fear of flying. In a plane, obviously. Often paired with claustrophobia. 4. Agoraphobia - the fear of inescapable situations. The result is anxiety and panic attacks, which can easily become self-perpetuating. Extreme agoraphobes are confined to their own home, which is the only place they consider to be safe. 5. Claustrophobia - the fear of confined spaces. Sufferers will stay well away from elevators, trains and tiny cupboards under the stairs. May cause panic attacks if escape is not possible. 6. Acrophobia - the fear of heights. Sufferers may have panic attacks and put themselves in genuine danger if they can't get down. Often confused with vertigo - which is merely a dizzy or spinning sensation and not necessarily caused by heights. 7. Emetophobia - the fear of vomit. No one likes the sight or smell of vomit, but these sufferers will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid the stuff. 8. Carcinophobia - the fear of cancer. Although it's not contagious, a carcinophobe will believe he has cancer because he touched someone else with the disease. 9. Brontophobia - the fear of thunderstorms. Also known as astraphobia. Child and adult sufferers alike hide away from thunder and lightning, lest they suffer panic attacks and have difficulty breathing. 10. Necrophobia - the fear of death. Derived from the fear of being buried alive, after early excavations of coffins showed scratch marks made by trapped victims. Also relates to coffins and corpses.

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11y ago

Glossophobia affects 75% of people worldwide fear of speaking in public. Arachnophobia affects 60%,fear of spiders. Ophidiophobia affects 51%, fear of snakes. Necrophobia affects 50%, fear of death. Those are some of the common phobias I have for you.

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12y ago

Here are some common phobias;

AGORAPHOBIA: Fear of being in places where there is a chance of having a panic attack that people may witness, and getting away rapidly may be difficult. Because of these fears the sufferer will deliberately avoid such places - which may include crowded areas, special events, queues (standing in line), buses and trains, shops and shopping centers, and airplanes.

SOCIAL PHOBIA: Intense fear of certain social situations, especially situations that are unfamiliar or in which you feel you'll be watched or evaluated by others.

These social situations may be so frightening that you get anxious just thinking about them or go to great lengths to avoid them. social phobia is the fear of being scrutinized, judged, or embarrassed in public. You may be afraid that people will think badly of you or that you won't measure up in comparison to others. And even though you probably realize that your fears of being judged are at least somewhat irrational and overblown, you still can't help feeling anxious.

SCHOOL PHOBIA: Fear of going to school. Social Phobia It is not truancy and it's not the occasional day when your child doesn't want to go to school for a specific reason. It's when a child persistently avoids or refuses to go to school and is truly distressed with visible anxiety about attending. Often, no matter how much a parent cajoles or reasons, the child will not enter the school building.

ACROPHOBIA: Extreme fear of heights, which can induce feelings of panic, panic attacks, nausea and dizziness if a person is exposed to heights. Acrophobia should not be confused with agoraphobia, the fear of the outdoors or open spaces, which contributes to many people feeling they can't leave their homes. Both are serious conditions, and both common. Of the two, acrophobia is more common, and is possibly an inborn trait in some people.

ARACHNOPHOBIA: Fear of spiders. Sufferers from arachnophobia experience undue anxiety, even though they realize that the risk of encountering a spider and being harmed by it is small or nonexistent. They may avoid going barefoot and may be especially alert when taking showers or getting into and out of bed.

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12y ago

Here are some phobias that I think are weird:

Anatidaphobia - fear that somewhere in the world a duck is watching you.

Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the top of your mouth.

Bogyphobia - fear of bogeys or the bogeyman.

Consecotaleophobia - fear of chopsticks.

Deipnophobia - fear of dinner conversations.

Dextrophobia - fear of objects at the right side of your body.

Geniophobia - fear of chins.

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - fear of the number 666.

Mnemophobia - fear of memories.

Octophobia - fear of the number 8.

Omphalophobia - fear of bellybuttons.

Optophobia - fear of opening somebody elses eyes.

Paraskavedekatriaphobia - fear of Friday the 13th.

Peladophobia - fear of bald people.

Pogonophobia - fear of beards.

Rhabdophobia - fear of being beaten by a rod.

I know there are 16 listed here and not ten.

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Kumba The Antarian

Lvl 3
1y ago

There's a channel called The Antarian on YouTube where you can see the weirdest of

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14y ago

This website is mostly everything about phobias:

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9y ago

One of the most common phobias is Agoraphobia which is the fear of public places. Another common phobia is a fear of heights.

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12y ago

There are many types of phobias such as fear of heights, spiders, snakes, rats, Roller Coasters and flying. The list is virtually endless but these are the most common.

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Related questions

Are all people with phobias the same?

no not at all

What are some mental disorders for phobias?

Phobias can be diagnosed as a disorder themselves, but disorders such as Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and PTSD are all often associated with phobias.

Where would one look for information on phobias of scary things?

Kids Health and WebMD both have sections of their websites dedicated to phobias. For more general information on all types of phobias, one could visit Wikipedia.

What is all the phobias?

It would be WAY too hard to list all the phobias in the world.... so I can just give you a website to go too. and if you go on that every phobia possible is there.

What is the phobia of phobias?

The phobia of phobias is Phobophobia.

What do ophidophobia glossophobia acrophobia musophobia and aviophobia have in common?

They are all phobias.

What are all the phobia's?

You can find a link to a list of phobias in related links.

Are phobias considered science?

Phobias are an aspect of psychology, which is considered a science. So yes, phobias are a science of sorts

Freud said phobias were as Watson said phobias were?

Freud said phobias were repressed conflicts, were as Watson said that phobias were learned

What phobias can you get?

Honestly, you can have a phobia of anything! There is even a fear of phobias!

Why do you have phobias?

phobias are just natural things we have and noone can stop that

Where can you find a list of phobias?

You can find a list of phobias on websites dedicated to mental health and psychology, in books about anxiety disorders, or on websites of organizations such as the American Psychiatric Association. There are also specialized resources like the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) that list and categorize phobias.