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Q: What are all the positive numbers of 72?
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72 64 9?

Three positive counting numbers.

Do any numbers go into 72?

Yes, there are a few.The positive, integer factors of 72 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, and 72.And that's not counting all the negative numbers, fractions, and decimals that go into 72.

What number does 24 and 36 go into?

72 ......... There are infinite numbers. 72 is the lowest positive number exactly divisible by 24 and 36.

Are all rational numbers positive?

Not at all. The class of "natural" numbers are all positive, but the classes of "real" numbers and "rational" numbers include negative numbers.

Find two positive consecutive integers whose product is 72?

The numbers are 8 and 9.

What is the relationship between neggative positive and positive negative?

Negative number and positive numbers are all numbers. Negative numbers are just positive numbers multiplied by -1.

Are all positive numbers whole numbers?

No. One half is positive but not whole.

What two numbers a negative and positive multiply to 72 and add up to -17?

A negative and a positive number will multiply to a negative number. Other than that, -9 and -8 will satisfy your conditions.

What are all the numbers that 72 is divisible by?


What are all the natural numbers?

All the positive real numbers are natural numbers.

The sum of the square if two consecutive positive numbers is 85 What is the smaller number?

62 + 72 = 85

Are all numbers that is greater than zero is an positive integers?

No. All numbers greater than zero are positive real numbers. Integers are whole numbers (positive or negative) and therefore, don't include numbers with decimals.