

What are ant acids used for?

Updated: 5/31/2024
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1mo ago

Antacids are used to neutralize excess stomach acid and provide relief from symptoms of acid reflux, heartburn, and indigestion. They help to alleviate discomfort by increasing the pH level in the stomach, reducing the burning sensation and irritation caused by excess acid.

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Q: What are ant acids used for?
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Well, i did a report on acids and ofcourse they are used in fertilizers :)

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If you swallowed the ant 'whole' without chewing it (to kill it) it 'could' survive in your esophagus, and for a limited time in your stomach (until killed by the gastric acids). During this time it could bite you, yes.

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According to the size of it's brain ant uses approximately 75% to 80%

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