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chewing, eating, biting. etc.

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Q: What are arachnids' mouth appendages used for?
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A second pair of appendages used by arachnids to catch and handle prey?


What arthropod has eight appendages?

Arachnids. Spider group. Appendages are technically legs.

What are an arachnids appendages needed for?

Eating and stuff

Why are horseshe crabs more similar to arachnids than to crustaceans if they have more than four pairs of legs?

Because arachnids and crustaceans share a pair of appendages called chelicerae, which are specialized mouthparts that we find in both arachnids (spiders) and horseshoe crabs. In fact, these mouth parts define the name of the entire subphylum to which these animals both belong, the Chelicerata. There are a few different types of chelicerae, but in arachnids, these would be the mouth parts that most people think of as 'fangs,' some which are of course venomous. In horseshoe crabs, they are the anterior-most (front-most) pair of appendages, look like small claws, and are used for feeding.

Where are the palps found?

Palps are a second pair of appendages found in crustacean and insects. These appendages are located near the mouth and are used to guide food into the mouth.

What are the appendages near the mouth used for?

Manipulation of Prey items

How does a scorpion move?

Scorpions are arachnids that walk with their eight appendages (legs).

How do Archnids with no teeth or jaws obtain nutrients from their prey?

Through the chelicercae are appendages located near the mouths of arachnids. Which is used to hold or bite its food.

What is the jaw of an arthropod?

there is a presence of modified appendages (mandibles) flanking their mouth and used as jaws.

Does arachnids arthropods have no antennae?

Correct, arachnids have no wings or antennae. However, some have forward limbs or appendages with sensory functions which might be said to act like antennae.

Does the mouth parts of crayfish count as appendages?


What type of animals have segemented bodies and jointed appendages?

What you are describing is phylum Arthropoda, which houses insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and the extinct trilobites.