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Q: What are bight explosions of hot gases from the chromosphere?
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Bright explosions of hot gases from the chromosphere are called?

CMEs, or Coronal Mass Ejections

Why does chromosphere glows?

the chromosphere glows because of the release of hot, low density gases that are emitted from the sun. Normally, it can't be seen by the naked eye due to light from the photosphere blocking it. During a solar eclipse, the chromosphere is visible, appearing as a red ring around the Sun.

Why does one exhaust on the Yamaha banshee get hot?

When you turn on your engine, there are mini explosions inside of it (that's the noise you hear btw) and the exploding gasoline creates gases that are expelled through the exhaust... and those gases are HOT, so it heats up your exhaust. It's normal, and you have to be careful not to burn yourself on it

A haiku for the planet Venus?

magma here and there explosions are hot-hot-hot volcanoes there to spare

How do you know if a volcanic eruption will be quiet or explosive?

A volcano is an opening, or rupture, in a planet's surface or crust, which allows hot magma, volcanic ash and gases to escape from below the surface. So expect explosions and a lot of noise.

Why is sun a hot body of gases?

Sun is a hot body of gases because of the preseence of gases like hydrogen and helium.

What is the chrosphere?

the chromosphere glows because of the release of hot, low density gases that are emitted from the sun. Normally, it can't be seen by the naked eye due to light from the photosphere blocking it. During a solar eclipse, the chromosphere is visible, appearing as a red ring around the Sun.

Smoke and hot gases tend to go downwards?

Smoke and hot gases tend to go upwards.

What is a spinning cloud of hot gases?

it is a hot gas

What contains hot gases at high temperature?

In a fusion reactor the hot gases or plasma are contained within a magnetic field.

What is the temperature of the suns chromosphere?

Yes. Though the photosphere is closer to the center of the sun and photosphere temperature = around 4000 K to 6400 K and chromosphere temperature = about 4500 K to as high as 20,000 K

What is A ball of Hot and Bright gases?

A star.