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Electrolytes, because they can conduct an electrical current.

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4mo ago

Cations and anions that dissociate in water are sometimes called electrolytes. Electrolytes are ions that conduct electricity in a solution, and they can be found in both cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negatively charged ions).

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10y ago

Cations and anions that dissociate in water are sometimes called electrolytes. They are given this name due to being able to conduct electrical currents.

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Q: What are cations and anions that dissociate in water sometimes called?
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When salt's dissolve they dissociate into components that are technically no longer salt's but are called?

Salts are dissociated in ions (cations and anions): Example: NaCl------------------------Na+ + Cl-

What force draws cations and anions together?

The force that draws cations and anions together is called electrostatic attraction or ionic bonding. This force occurs due to the attraction between the positively charged cations and the negatively charged anions.

What are positive and negative ions called?

Positive ions are called cations, and negative ions are called anions. Cations have a net positive charge because they have lost electrons, while anions have a net negative charge because they have gained electrons.

Is a negative ion called a cation?

no the negative ions are not called cations ,they are called anions

What is a positive charge on a ion called?

positive ions are called cations, while negatively charged ions are called anions

Positively or negatively charged atoms?

are called ions - cations and anions.

What are positivey and negativey carged atoms called?

Positively charged atoms are called cations, while negatively charged atoms are called anions. Cations have lost electrons and carry a net positive charge, while anions have gained electrons and carry a net negative charge.

What are positively or negatively charged atoms?

They are called ions: postive (cations) and negative (anions).

What is the term for an atom with a change?

An ion. There are positive ions, called cations, and negative ions, called anions.

Why do you think salt is called sodium chloride?

Because it contains Sodium cations and Chloride anions

What is the Definition and formation of cations and anions in Telugu?

Cations and anions are formed through the process of ionization, which involves the gain or loss of electrons by atoms. In Telugu, cations are known as "క్యాటియన్లు" (Kyaṭiyannlu), which are positively charged ions formed by losing electrons. Anions, on the other hand, are called "ఆనియన్లు" (Āniyannlu) and are negatively charged ions formed by gaining electrons.

What are all positive ions called?

Positive ions are called cations. These ions are formed when an atom loses one or more electrons, leading to a net positive charge. Cations are attracted to negatively charged ions (anions) to form stable compounds.