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Stem cells.

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Q: What are cell called before they specialize?
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Cell that specialize perform one jb well. the cell's job is als o called?

we don't know

How do a structure within a cell allow it to specialize?

The structures within a cell allow it to specialize by allowing each structure to perform a unique or specific function to its adaptation.

What was the cell phone orriginally called?

I'm pretty sure they were called mobile phones before cell phones...

How do the structures within the cell allow it to specialize?

The structures allow the cell to perform specific functions.

What does the cell do before mitosis begins?

the stage before mitosis is called interphase and majority of the time the cell has is spent in interphase. during interphase the cell acquires nutrients and the DNA replicates.

What part of the cell determines how it will specialize?

chromosomes - sadie p xx3

How cell gets specialize to perform a work?

A cell is specialized depending on what genes in it are active and which ones aren't. The genes that are active define what the cell's job is.

What would all the different parts of a cell be compared to in a military unit?

All the different parts of a cell specialize in different things and all the units in the military specialize in different things. Both the different parts of the cell and the military units contribute to the whole by doing their part.

Sigmund Freud began his professional career as what?

His first professional career was as a neuroligist, but would specialize in an emotional disorder called hysteria before long.

What is the role of cell specialization in the development of tissue?

cell specialization is the is when a cell does a specific job, when cells are growing they specialize in certain jobs by helping in the growth of tissue

What is meant by the term cell specialization?

Cell specialization is a term that is used in biology. How cells specialize to do a specific function is cell specialization. It is controlled by gene regulations.

Doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of the conditions arthritis and gout are called?

Doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of the conditions arthritis and gout are called Rheumatologists.