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Q: What are centers of high pressure that bring dry sunny settled weather for the next several days?
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General weather movement of low-pressure centers across the united states is from?

West to east

What do isobars indicate when they are far apart?

Light windsWidely-spaced isobars indicate low wind speeds.

What is a swirling center of low air pressure?

In weather systems, a center of low pressure is called a depression in generic terms. More specific terms include cyclone, anticyclone, hurricane, typhoon and tornado, which are used to describe particular weather systems associated with low pressure centers.

How are isobars used to show pressure centers?

Isobars are lines on a weather map that connect points of equal atmospheric pressure. The spacing and arrangement of isobars can indicate the location and strength of pressure systems, such as high-pressure centers (anticyclones) and low-pressure centers (cyclones). High pressure is typically associated with closely spaced isobars, while low pressure is associated with more widely spaced isobars.

How can pressure help us predict weather?

Low pressure usually bring lousy weather. A barometer measures atmospheric pressure. High pressure is associated with good weather low pressure with bad weather

How are pressure measurements related to weather prediction?

Decreasing pressure indicates stormy weather. Increasing Pressure indicates better weather.

Is a tornado better in high or low pressure?

Tornadoes are always part of a low pressure system and do not form in high pressure.

What do tornadoes and anticyclones have in common?

They both have rotating winds. Other than that they are completely different. Anticyclones are large-scale high-pressure systems that bring calm, clear weather. Tornadoes are small centers of low pressure with extremely violent winds.

What weather can make clouds last for several days?

A Low Pressure System allows clouds to form. It is possible that the clouds can stick around for several days in this type of system.

What are weather disturbances?

A weather disturbance is an interruption of settled and peaceful weather. Some examples are cyclones and tornadoes, thunderstorms, blizzards, and hurricanes.

What kind of weather does high pressure and low pressure bring?

High pressure brings clear weather and low pressure brings precipitous weather. (rain, snow, hail, sleet, etc.)

What is low pressure weather?

low pressure weather is cold fronts that move NW.