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well it depends what is the tile made of is it granite ? what type of tile ?

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1d ago

Chemical properties of a tile may include its reaction to acids or bases, its resistance to chemicals such as staining agents or cleaning solutions, and its ability to withstand corrosion over time. Tiles are often chosen based on their chemical properties to ensure durability and longevity.

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Q: What are chemical properties of a tile?
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What is a cheap chemical that is good for cleaning grout and tile?

How do I go about doing my own grout and tile cleaning? I need a cheap chemical.

What are chemistry properties?

Chemical properties refer to the characteristic behavior of a substance when it undergoes a chemical reaction, such as its ability to react with other substances or its stability under certain conditions. These properties are determined by the substance's chemical composition and structure. Examples of chemical properties include flammability, acidity, reactivity, and toxicity.

What happens to the chemical and physical properties of a substance formed in a chemical reaction?

The chemical properties of a substance change during a chemical reaction, meaning the substance undergoes a chemical change and forms new substances with different properties. The physical properties may also change, such as color, texture, or state of matter.

Are properties such odor color density and solubility physical or chemical properties?

Odor, color, density, and solubility are physical properties of a substance. These properties can be observed or measured without changing the chemical composition of the substance.

Are boiling points and freezing points examples of chemical properties?

No, boiling points and freezing points are examples of physical properties, not chemical properties. Chemical properties describe how a substance interacts with other substances to form new substances, while physical properties describe characteristics that can be observed without changing the chemical composition of the substance.

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Chemical properties are determined by experiments.

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If it's a chemical, it has chemical properties. An oreo churro (whatever unholy abomination that might be) is a mixture of chemicals, each of which will have their own chemical properties.

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Is sour milk a chemical properties or a physical properties?

Chemical property

Is reacts with water not a chemical properties?

Is reacts with water not a chemical properties

When do the physical and chemical properties change?

Physical and chemical properties change as the result of a chemical change, which produces new products with different physical and chemical properties than the reactants.

What does a change in a chemical properties of a substance result in?

A chemical reaction (change) results in a change in chemical properties.

Give you a sentence for chemical properties?

Bubbles and foam are chemical properties that can happen during a chemical reaction.