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cirrus clouds are dark and usally bring rain

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Q: What are clouds that are dark and gray?
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Related questions

What are dark gray clouds called?

A cirrus cloud.

How dark do clouds get?

Some clouds, depending on the weather condition, can range from fluffy white all the way to a dark gray.

Are nimbus clouds rain clouds?

Nimbus clouds are dark gray cloud bearing rain. So, yes.

What is the color of nimbus clouds?

Nimbus clouds or thunderclouds are usually tall, dense and very dark in color. These clouds form thunderstorms and heavy rain usually follows.

What is sentence for ominous?

The thick, dark, gray clouds signaled that ominous weather was on its way.

What is the sentence of ominous?

The thick, dark, gray clouds signaled that ominous weather was on its way.

What do nimbostratus clouds look like?

Clouds that include the term "nimbus" tend to be the ones that come with moderate precipitation and storms. These clouds tend to be fluffy with dark gray bottoms.

Are stratus clouds wispy and high in the sky?

No, they are flat, hazy, featureless clouds of low altitude varying in color from dark gray to nearly white.

What color are hurricanes?

The clouds are dark gray to white, like many other clouds. *The rum drink called a "hurricane" is pink to dark red, and may be artificially colored by its base, which is made from passion fruit.

Low gray clouds that usually bring rain or snow?

white clouds seldom give rain; grey clouds are more potent to give rain which is why the sky is usually grey or dark grey when it rains :)

How dark does a cloud get when a tornado is coming?

They are often dark gray or even black, but not always. In terms of color they could look like fairly ordinary storm clouds.

What is dark rain clouds?

Dark rain Clouds are clouds that are black when it rains