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"Back off" - To get out of the way, stop the current action, stop messing with a person, or to turn down the intensity of a relationship.

Eample: "I'm warning you, you'd better back off!"

"Back away" - Usually a command, telling someone to back up, such as after a cop tells someone to put down their weapon.

Example: "Put down that gun! Now back away from it slowly with your hands where I can see them..."

"Get back" - To seek revenge, a command to stand out of the way, to return, or to become the top of one's game again.


"I'm getting back at him for what he did to my sister."

"Get back, this might catch on fire."

"I will get back to New York tomorrow."

"I plan to get back to living and enjoy life."

"got back" - To return from a place. It is also from a hip-hop song. "Baby got back" means that the woman in the song has large buttocks. So if you say a woman has "back," then it means in street slang that her buttocks are large.


"I just got back from Philly on the red-eye flight."

"Look at her! She's got some back on her!"

"Stand back" - Usually a warning to step away from whatever because something could go wrong.

Example: "I'm going to flip this switch. Stand back! This could explode."

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