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To do stuff for the government and to have a Fiesta!!

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Q: What are core democratic values in Pakistan?
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What core democratic values are in the Declaration of Independence?

ANSWER:The democratic values would include, "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

What are core values in Pakistan?

pakistanies are non vegetarianbut Indian is vegetarian

How many Americans follow core democratic values?

Whoever votes everytime there is an election

Honesty compassion and courage can best be described as?

Core values that guide one's actions and decisions in a principled and ethical manner.

Core area of Pakistan?

The core area of Pakistan is Punjab.

Why are core democratic values in our country?

First you should say WHICH country you mean. This is a worldwide site with people from MANY countries contributing.

When did Pakistan became democratic?

in 2013

What are the names of the core democratic values?

Life,Diversity,The Pursuit of Happiness,Popular Sovereignty,Liberty,Equality,The Common Good,Patriotism,Justice,and Truth

Is Pakistan under civil war 2017?

Officially NO. However in practice the country IS fighting within itself in any places. The tension is between theocratic and democratic values.

What is a type of government in the Pakistan?

Democratic government

Core values of any society?

The core values of societies are 1) Society's functioning 2) Cognitive values 3) Cultural values

What is the core values of the month October?

October is a month and therefore does not formulate core values