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gift wrap,tape and a marker

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Q: What are different tools and materials needed in gift wrapping?
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What tools and materials used in gift wrapping?

some materials would include: Tape, scissors, wrapping paper, bows, ribbons, and the gift.

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What are the tools materials and supplies are needed in giving a manicure and pedicure?

Syempre Cutics !

What are the tools and materials needed in Fabric Printing?

Tools and materials needed for fabric printing include fabric, ink or dye, screens or stencils, a squeegee or roller for applying ink, a printing table or surface, and a heat source for setting the design. Additional items may include masking tape, emulsion, and a light source for screen exposure.

What tools and materials are used to make an alarm clock?

Well basically there are three main materials needed to make a clock, and they are rubber, medal, and plastic.

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different epoxies can be used.

What are some important tools to have for jewelry making?

Some important tools needed for jewelry making include wrapping pliers, round-nosed pliers, a jeweler's saw, and a flat and half-round file. Also needed of course would be the wire, beads and whatever else you might be using for the jewelry.

What is answer to what are the different ellectrical materials and supplies used by the electrissian?

The main materials used by an electrician would be the appropriately sized conductors, and the appropriate insulators to separate them. Her main hand tools would be screwdrivers and small spanners, with a volt-ammeter for measuring the continuity and voltages. Other hand tools would be needed to work with wood and metal.

What are tools needed in the preparation of raw materials?

Tools needed in the preparation of raw materials typically include knives, cutting boards, mixing bowls, measuring cups and spoons, scales, food processors, blenders, grinders, peelers, and graters. These tools help to cut, chop, blend, measure, grind, and prepare the raw ingredients for cooking or baking.

What are some of the materials that would be needed to create a vapor barrier in a crawl space?

There are several items needed to create a vapor barrier in a crawl space. Plastic, caulking, wire brushes, and a putty knife is just a few tools and materials needed.

What if your dog has a problem with his bladder he always has to go outside is there anyway you can fix or operate on him at home and if so what tools or materials are needed?


During the Middle Stone Age tools were mainly made of stone attached to materials such as .?

all of the answers are correct