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Q: What are different types of sandbars?
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What makes a canyon and sandbars similar?

Sandbars and sand dunes are both sand piled on top of sand by the pressure of currents. Sandbars are accomplished by the action of water currents (waves). Sand dunes by air currents (wind).

Are sandbars formed by erosion by waves?


What is the relationship between longshore currents and sandbars?

longshore currents for example ,often deposit sand along shorelines,the sand builds up to form sandbars

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What is the definition of sandbars?

A raised portion of sand in a river or sea.

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A device for lifting boats over sandbars.

What do sandbars and river deltas have in common?

They have all been formed by Sandblasting

Do different types of rock make different types of glass?

yes, different types of rock probably do make different types of glass

What are three features by wave deposition?

beaches, spits, and sandbars (barrier beaches)

What do flood plains sandbars and the river have in common?

They have all been formed by Sandblasting