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These disturbances are known as "waves". Examples include compression waves in air or other media (i.e., sound), and electromagnetic waves, which can travel both through matter and through empty space.

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2mo ago

Disturbances that carry energy through matter are called waves. These can be mechanical waves, such as sound waves and ocean waves, which require a medium to travel through. They can also be electromagnetic waves, like light and radio waves, which can travel through a vacuum.

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Q: What are disturbances that carry energy through matter?
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How do waves carry energy through matter?

They don't

Can waves carry energy?

Yes, waves can carry energy through a medium or through space. This energy is transferred as the wave propagates, causing vibrations or disturbances in the medium. Examples include electromagnetic waves, sound waves, and water waves.

What is something that Carry's energy through empty space and through matter?

Light is a form of energy that can travel through empty space as well as through matter. It consists of electromagnetic waves that can propagate through vacuum and transparent mediums.

Do waves transport the energy of disturbances'?

Yes, waves transport the energy of disturbances by propagating the disturbance through a medium without permanently displacing the particles of the medium. This energy transfer allows waves to carry information, transmit signals, and produce various effects such as sound or light.

Do wave carry matter and energy?

it is energy

What are two facts about waves?

Waves are disturbances that carry energy through a medium or space without transferring matter. Waves can be categorized as mechanical (require a medium to travel through, like water waves) or electromagnetic (travel through a vacuum, like light waves).

Do waves carry energy through matter as mechancial waves?

Yes, waves can carry energy through matter as mechanical waves. Mechanical waves require a medium to travel through, such as water, air, or solid materials, and transfer energy by vibrating the particles of the medium in the direction of wave propagation.

Electromagnetic waves dont carry any matter what do they carry?

Electromagnetic waves carry energy and information. Energy is transferred through the oscillation of electric and magnetic fields, while information can be encoded in the frequency, amplitude, and phase of the wave.

Waves carry energy without transporting what?

Waves carry energy without transporting matter. They transfer energy through the vibration of particles in a medium or through the propagation of electromagnetic fields in space.

What is meant by waves transmit energy but not matter?

Waves are disturbances that transfer energy through a medium, without the physical displacement of the medium particles. As a wave moves through a medium, it causes the particles to oscillate back and forth but does not carry the particles along with it. This means that the energy of the wave is transferred from one place to another without any physical substance moving along with it.