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The coordinate axes.

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Q: What are each of two lines that intersect to from a coordinate grid are?
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What is a grid with a horizontal axis and a vertical axis that intersects at a point?

A grid with a horizontal axis and a vertical axis that intersect at a point is called a Cartesian coordinate system. The axes are perpendicular to each other and therefore form four right angles at the point at which they intersect, known as the origin.

What is a set of intersecting line that appear at regular intervals?

Lines that intersect at regular intervals are a grid. A grid is created when a row and a column intersect.

What is a coordinated grid?

A coordinate grid is a grid that you plot points on. A coordinate grid is a 2-dimensional: system in which a location is described by its distance from two perpendicular lines called axes.

How do you number a coordinate graph?

Coordinate graphing sounds very dramatic but it is actually just a visual method for showing relationships between numbers. The relationships are shown on a coordinate grid. A coordinate grid has two perpendicular lines, or axes, labeled like number lines. The horizontal axis is called the x-axis. The vertical axis is called the y-axis. The point where the x-axis and y-axis intersect is called the origin.

A plane in which a horizontal number line and vertical number line intersect at their zero points?

The coordinate plane or grid.

What is formed on a grid by the intersection of two number lines?

A coordinate plane.

How does one use a coordinate grid?

A coordinate grid is made of up a horizontal X-axis and a vertical Y-axis. One uses the numbers along each axis to plot points. Points are listed as coordinates in an (X, Y) format. To graph a point on a coordinate grid you need to mark the point at which the X value and Y value intersect. For example, if you had a given point of (2, 5), you would find the line corresponding to 2 on the X-axis and you would find the line corresponding to 5 on the Y-axis. Wherever these two lines cross on the coordinate grid, you make a point. Simple as that!

The lines of latitude and longitude form an imaginary over the planet?

coordinate grid

What is coordinate grid?

a coordinate grid is a grid that has coranades on it (ex.(4,7))

What do we call the address for a point on a coordinate grid?

As you remember from pre-algebra a coordinate plane is a two-dimensional number line where the vertical line is called the y-axis and the horizontal is called the x-axis. These lines are perpendicular and intersect at their zero points. This point is called the origin.

What does grid location?

A grid reference system, also known as grid reference or grid system, is a geographic coordinate system that defines locations in maps using Cartesian coordinates based on a particular map projection. Grid lines on maps illustrate the underlying coordinate system.

Lines of latitude and line of longitude are perpendicular?

So as to create a particular location on the grid where they intersect.