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Q: The lines of latitude and longitude form an imaginary over the planet?
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Why there is an imaginary lines on globe?

Those lines are called longitude and latitude.

What are the imaginary lines that measure distance on maps and globes?

east and west

Are lines of longitude and latitude rays?

No , Lines of Latitude and Longitude are not rays because they do not go on infinitely (forever). They are only imaginary lines that exist on Earth.

How are the lines of latitude and longitude related to the hemispheres?

They r both imaginary lines

What is the other name for line?

The imaginary semi-circular "lines" of constant longitude are "meridians". The imaginary full-circular "lines" of constant latitude are "parallels".

What imaginary lines form the earth's grid system?

The imaginary lines that form the earths grid system are called latitude and longitude lines. Latitude lines go horizontally from east to west, where longitude lines go vertical from north to south.

How are latitude and longitude the same?

They are both imaginary lines which circle the earth!

What is the lines of latitude and Meridian of longitude?

Lines of latitude are imaginary lines that run north and south around the Earth. Meridian of longitude are imaginary lines that run east and west around the Earth. These lines work together to show locations on a map or globe.

What lines connect the North and South pole?

Longitude, longitudinal As opposed to latitude (horizontal lines circling the earth.

What are lines of latitutde?

Latitude lines are imaginary lines that are parallel to the equator to fix a position on earth (along with longitude lines which are imaginary lines perpendicular to the equator)

Where can you see latitude and longitude?

You can see latitude and longitude on maps and globes, since they are imaginary lines that cannot be seen on the surface of Earth.

What are the imaginary lines that run from the North pole to the South pole along the surface of the planet?

Well i believe the answer your looking for is the axis. or it can be parallels of latitude or parallels of longitude or maybe meridians latitude maybe meridians of longitude you pick lol did i say tht