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Also, whatever radiation is used to construct CT, NMR, and PET images.

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1w ago

Electromagnetic waves, specifically X-rays, are used to take pictures of a person's bones through a process called radiography. X-rays are able to penetrate the body and create images of the bones by capturing the amount of radiation absorbed by different tissues. These images are useful in diagnosing fractures, joint abnormalities, and other bone-related conditions.

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Q: What are electromagnetic waves used to take pictures of a persons bone?
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What type of electromagnetic waves are used to look for broken bones?

X-rays are the type of electromagnetic waves that are commonly used to look for broken bones in medical imaging. X-rays can pass through soft tissues but are absorbed by denser materials, such as bone, allowing fractures to be detected on the image.

Do sound waves travel down the auditory canal by bone conduction?

No, sound waves travel down the auditory canal through air conduction. Bone conduction involves vibrations traveling through bones to the inner ear, bypassing the outer and middle ear.

Why is it the air conduction is longer than the bone conduction?

Air conduction is slower than bone conduction because sound waves need to travel through the air, which is less dense compared to bone. In bone conduction, sound vibrations can directly stimulate the cochlea in the inner ear through the bones of the skull, bypassing the need to travel through the air.

How can you hear other then Sound Waves?

You can perceive other sounds through vibrations in your surroundings. Additionally, you can also interpret sound through bone conduction or electrical signals.

What kind of wave is used to find a broken bone or illegal plane carry on?

X-rays are used to find a broken bone or illegal carry-on items in luggage at airports. X-rays are a type of electromagnetic wave that can pass through soft tissues like skin but are absorbed by dense materials like bone or certain prohibited items, creating an image that can be examined to detect any abnormalities.

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What does the weight and density of a persons bone structure determine?

The weight and density of a persons bone structure determines the body frame.

What is the smallest bone your body?

The Stapes bone is the smallest bone in the human body. It is located in the middle ear, and it amplifies sound waves.

What is the number one killer of persons with HIV?

bone disease

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The weight and density of a person's bone structure determines?

The weight and density of a persons bone structure determines the body frame.

What type of bone is the femur Why is this type of bone important?

Femur is a Long Bone. It is important because it is the longest bone in the human body and because it determines a persons height (along with the Tibia and Fibula)

What is determinated by weight and density of a persons bone structure?

A person's body frame is determined by the weight and density of a person's bone structure.

What waves goes through most matter execpt bone?


Do sound waves travel down the auditory canal by bone conduction?

No, sound waves travel down the auditory canal through air conduction. Bone conduction involves vibrations traveling through bones to the inner ear, bypassing the outer and middle ear.

How do x-rays work to determine if a bone is broken?

X-Rays don't determine whether a bone is broken. They just make fuzzy shadow pictures of what is under your skin. Unless its a really obvious fracture, it takes the trained eye of a radiologist looking at the pictures to determine whether the bone is broken or not.

Which is the longest and shortest bone in the human body?

The femur is the largest bone in the human body, and the stirrup is the shortest bone in the human body.

What is Charlie Bone's spacial power?

He can listen in on pictures or paintings. Occasionally, he can even go into them.