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Q: What are energy rich molecules called?
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What is the production of energy rich sugar molecules using light energy called?


What is Energy-rich molecules?

Energy rich molecules are mainly carbohydrates as well as lipids and proteins.

The use of light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into energy-rich glucose molecules are called what?


Use the sun to make energy rich molecules?

The process in which the sun is used to make energy rich molecules is called Photosynthesis. This process uses carbon dioxide, water and energy collected from the sun, to produce glucose molecules and oxygen gas. This process happens in plants and is the plant's main source of energy.

A long chain of energy-rich organic compounds made of glucose molecules is called a?

A Sugar or a Starch.

What is chemical energy used to make energy rich molecules?


What do organisms that use an outside energy make?

energy rich molecules

What chemical energy is used to make energy rich molecules?


What happens when the supply of energy rich molecules in the muscle is used up?

when a supply of energy-rich molecules in a muscle is used up latic acid is produced

What happens when the supply of energy-rich molecules in a muscle in used up?

when a supply of energy-rich molecules in a muscle is used up latic acid is produced

What happens when the supply of energy-rich molecules in a muscle is used up?

when a supply of energy-rich molecules in a muscle is used up latic acid is produced