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There are many types. Plants,fungi and some protists arethem

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There are several eukaryotes. Plants ,fungi,some protists have

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Q: What are eukaryotes that have a cell wall?
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What feature was not present in the first eukaryotes?

The Cell Wall was not present in the first eukaryotes.

Is a cell wall a organelles?

Yes but only some Prokaryotes have a cell wall and plant cells(Eukaryotes) have a plant cell. There are some animals that have a cell wall.

Is a cell wall part of a prokartotic or a eukaryotic cell?

All prokaryotic cells (prokaryotes) have a cell wall. However, cell walls are not exclusive to prokaryotes. Some eukaryotes also have cell walls. Plants and fungi are eukaryotes which have cell walls made of cellulose and chitin, respectively. Not all eukaryotes have cell walls though (animals do not).

Do prokaryotic have cell wall?

Yes. They have a cell wall. Plants which are eukaryotes also have cell walls.

What thing does the cells of eukaryotes have that the cells of prokaroyes do not Yahoo Answers?

eukaryotes have: Nucleus, Nuclear envelope, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion, golgi apparatus. And a plant cell also has vacuole, chloroplast, cell wall (but a cell wall can bee also seen at some prokaryotes)

Which is one of the most important differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

Almost all prokaryotes posess cell wall but lack some cell organelles whereas eukaryotes posess all cell organelles but lack cell wall except plants(eukaryote)

What are two kinds of eukaryotes that have a cell wall?

Two kinds of eukaryotes that have cell walls are plant cells and animal cells.

Is mold prokaryotic?

prokaryotic because it contains a cell wall All fungi are eukaryotes including mold!

A cell wall is in what kind of cells?

Plant eukaryotic cells have a cell wall made of cellulose and fungi eukaryotic cells have a chitin cell wall (these cells are both known as eukaryotes). However, animal eukaryotic cells never have a cell wall. Prokaryotic cells (bacteria) always have a cell wall.

What kind o f cell has a cell wall?

Plant eukaryotic cells have a cell wall made of cellulose and fungi eukaryotic cells have a chitin cell wall (these cells are both known as eukaryotes). However, animal eukaryotic cells never have a cell wall. Prokaryotic cells (bacteria) always have a cell wall.

What kingdom that has many cells and has a cell wall and nucleus?

Eukaryotes. Look it up on Wikipedia.

What are different ways that plant cells are different from the cells of some other eukaryotes?

A plants's cells are enclosed by a cell wall. The cell wall surrounds the cell membrane and separates the cell from the environment. The plant cell also contains cellulose.