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the wolves are afraid the sword that gandalf has Glamdring, Foe-hammer that the king of Gondolin once wore.

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Q: What are evil wolves afraid of in The Hobbit?
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What are evil wolves called in The Hobbit?


What is The theme from the hobbit?

The main theme of The Hobbit is good vs. evil.

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What is the theme of The Hobbit?

The theme is to not be afraid to be adventurous.

Why are wolves afraid of water?

wolves can't really be afraid of water considering they drink it

Why is Miyax not afraid of the wolves in Julie of the Wolves?

Miyak is not afraid of the wolves because her father once had to live off a pack of wolves and they were kind and showed hospitality.

What is the main theme of The Hobbit?

The theme is to not be afraid to be adventurous.

Is The Ring's evil shown anywhere in The Hobbit?

No, there is no indication in The Hobbit that The Ring was malevolent, although it is most definitely magical.

In The Hobbit what are some of the sayings that Bilbo Baggins used?

"Escaping goblins to be caught by wolves."

Why do farmers think wolves are so bad?

because they thought that the wolves were hurting theirlivstock and they were afraid that the wolves would come after them.

How do the goblins in the hobbit use technology for evil?

Goblins build devices that are designed to hurt many people at once. They hate everyone, so they want to hurt everyone and make it as painful as they can. the "ingenious" inventions they build do no good for anyone, they just do bad

Why does Bilbo climb to raven hill during the battle of the five armies hobbit?

After hearing wolves, Gandalf told them to climb into the trees to escape the wolves.