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Culture expresses how things are done by a certain people who tend to hold similar beliefs and speak the same or very similar languages. One example of an ancient Greek way of acting and believing may be found in the deference of mortals to their gods and their kings. Another is the certainty of punishment for disobedience to authority, be that authority divine or mortal. Still another is the abandonment of children to death by exposure to the weather, the dogs, and the birds. Child killing more often is found regarding girls than boys. But Theban King Oedipus is abandoned because of the predicted threat that he poses to the life of his father and sovereign, Theban King Laius; and to the moral reputation of his mother and wife, Theban Queen Jocasta.

Yet another example of Greek culture in 'Oedipus Rex' is the representation of beauty. The ancient Greeks appreciated beauty, and liked to see its representation in art and architecture. The play takes place in and around the royal palace of Thebes. The royal palace would have been a beautifully imposing structure.

Additionally, Theban Queen Jocasta may be another example of the ancient Greek's devotion to beauty. She must have been beautiful in appearance and personality, because she ended up marrying twice. Her first marriage, with the older Theban King Laius, may have been an arranged marriage. In that case, she would have been engaged to him at a very early age, if not from birth. She would have been raised to be pleasing to him in look and manner.

Jocasta's second husband, Theban King Oedipus, is young enough to be her son. In fact, unbeknownst to the subsequent spouses, he in fact is her son. But Jocasta must have been attractive enough in appearance and behavior to have won the heart of a much younger man. And it's clear in the play that Jocasta indeed has her own son's love.

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