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Q: What are examples of positive charged objects?
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How will two positive charged objects interact?

Opposites attract

Does a positive charge object attrac a positive charge object?

No, because same charged objects repel each other.

What are two negatively charged objects expected to do when they are brought together?

They repel each other like positive ones do. If one is negatively charged, and the other is positive, then they will move towards eachother!

If the electric fields of two charged objects form a closed pattern of field lines how are the objects charged?

They would be "oppositely" charged. In other words, one object would need to be positive and the other would need to be negative.

If some amount of positive charge is given to a soap bubble what will happen to it?

It will be attracted to any negatively charged objects and repelled by any positively charged objects. It will probably be mildly attracted by neutral objects but this would be a much smaller effect.

What will happen when you have 2 positively charged objects?

They repel each other On the other hand, if you have positive and negatively charged particles they will attract each other

How charged objects react with neutral objects and same charged objects?

Charged objects don't have an effect on neutral objects, and repel objects with like charges.

How do you know which objects get positively charged and which objects get negatively charged?

For this we take a test charge which is a unit positive charge. Now, we take charge to be tested and bring test charge near to it. If both the charges repel the charge taken is positive and it they attract then the charge taken is negetive.

What effect do positive and negative charges have on one another?

Positively and negatively charged objects attract one another.

How do positively charged objects differ from negatively charged objects?

Positively charged objects have more protons than electrons. Negatively charged objects have more electrons than protons.

If a metal object receives a positive chargedoes the mass of the object increasedecreaseor stay the same?

Object A is charged . Because the neutral objects do not repel or attract charged bodies..

What provides a pushing force that propels objects in the opposite dirrection?

two similarly charged objects, two positive charges will repel an two negative charges will repel.