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Theme-a salient abstract idea that emerges from a literary work's treatment of its subject‐matter; or a topic recurring in a number of literary works. While the subject of a work is described concretely in terms of its action (e.g. 'the adventures of a newcomer in the big city'), its theme or themes will be described in more abstract terms (e.g. love, war, revenge, betrayal, fate, etc.). The theme of a work may be announced explicitly, but more often it emerges indirectly through the recurrence of motifs :)

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1mo ago

The theme in poetry refers to the central message or idea that the poet wants to convey through their work. It is the underlying meaning or concept that is explored and developed throughout the poem. Themes in poetry can range from love and nature to more complex topics like politics or spirituality.

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11y ago

Angels, beauty, childhood, dreams, encouragement, forigiveness, joy, peace, power, the sea, wisdom.

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No theme other than the overall promotion of poetry itself ~ look to the link below .

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The meaning and sound of words is especially important in poetry.

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I assume your question relates to English prose or poetry analysis? Yes, it is a theme, since a theme is a unification of an idea.

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