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* drinking fluids is very important because fever causes the body to lose fluid faster. * you can spread bronchitis by coughing and passing germs to others or pooping on someone * drinking fluids is very important because fever causes the body to lose fluid faster. * you can spread bronchitis by coughing and passing germs to others or pooping on someone

  • International protection was provided to seahorses on May 15th, 2004.
  • Seahorses differ in color, some are orange, red, yellow, green and even grey.
  • Zebra stripes and spots, are two patterns that seahorses come in.
  • A herd, is the term a group of seahorses are known as.
  • Seahorses have an interior skeleton.
  • Seahorses are unable to curl their tail backwards.
  • Seahorses belong to the Teleost suborder or bony fish group.
  • The average lifespan of a seahorse in the wild is estimated to be 1 to 5 years.
  • Seahorses beat their dorsal fins back and forth to propel themselves through the water in an upright position.
  • The pectoral fins are used to control steering and turning.
  • The food that seahorses eat pass into their digestive systems very quickly as they do not have a stomach and teeth. As the digestion procedure in seahorses is so quick they need to constantly eat to live.
  • Daphnia, cyclops, larvae or mysids are small living things that seahorses feed on.
  • Seahorses have a single mate for life. Every morning, they come together, dance, change their color, twirl around with linked tails and then separate for the rest of the day.
  • While mating, seahorses utter musical sounds.
  • Mating is usually done under a full moon.
  • Seahorses are the only animals in the entire animal kingdom in which the male has babies. The female seahorse deposits the eggs into the male's small pouch, these eggs are then fertilized by the male.
  • These little creatures are at risk because about twenty-five million of them are being traded around the world, in a span of a year.

Depends on what you are welding, but generaly welds can meet, or even weld on top of a weld.
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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 2y ago

It started when one person got it, and then another person, and some more people. That’s the very complicated and complex history of Bronchiti.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

inflammation of the bronchial tubes. and it is caused by irritation of the bronchial tubes.

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Related questions

Does bronchitis affect only people with hiv diseases?

No, bronchitis affects all ages of people from all races and nationalities. HIV and AIDS may cause more exotic causes of bronchitis, but all people get bronchitis from time to time.

What disease is caused by smoking?

It causes bronchitis and lung cancer and heart disease.

Is bronchitis transmitted through kissing?

Bronchitis is irritation in the lungs. In 85% of the cases, it is caused by smoking or passive smoking. It is inflammation in your bronchi, but it isn't spreadable to other human beings.

What is the smoking condition that causes the bronchial tubes to be inflamed and mucus to production to increase?

Chronic bronchitis

How might bronchitis affect the expiratoy reserve volume?

Bronchitis affects your expiratory reserve volume because Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi and the bronchioles which causes air passage to decrease so it's harder for a person to breath out so much air when they have an inflammation in their bronchi and bronchioles.

Is broncitious contagious?

The answer is that acute forms of bronchitis are very contagious and could easily be spread to everyone you come in contact with. Bronchitis is not something you probably want to share. Bronchitis is broken down into two different types. The first you got acute bronchitis. This is the kind that makes bronchitis contagious, because it is caused by influenza, the common chest cold, or an infection. Commonly, what makes bronchitis contagious is an infection of some sort that causes wheezing, coughing, and hacking. This is very hard for people to work through. It can be very unnerving to have to suffer with bronchitis, contagious or not. The other kind of bronchitis is chronic bronchitis. This produces similar symptoms and signs as acute bronchitis, but is caused by different things. Smoking, second hand smoke, a virus, or something else. This usually isn't the kind of things that make bronchitis contagious. However, it's no less annoying. One thing that is common for both types of bronchitis is that antibiotics don't do any good. Quite simply, most bronchitis, contagious or not, is not affected by antibiotics. A virus causes acute bronchitis and antibiotics do nothing for viral infections. Antibiotics are useful for treating bacterial infections only, and on top of that, they're not good for your health. You could be causing more problems with your body. Antibiotics are even known to create more infections, and especially yeast infections. Usually, with bronchitis, contagious or chronic, there will be a dry cough at the beginning. This will soon turn into a 'wet' cough that is accompanied by fever, exhaustion and headaches. Your acute bronchitis can actually be contagious for as long as you are experiencing symptoms! Those who have bronchitis for 6 months or more should get checked for other serious health conditions. One way to deal with the antibiotic problem is to find a cure for your bronchitis that is all natural. This will ensure that you are not damaging your body with useless drugs. There are different natural remedies for bronchitis however, the best kind of natural treatment for bronchitis, contagious or chronic, is a blend of different natural ingredients that target the root causes. If you have chronic or acute bronchitis, tell your doctor to FORGET the antibiotics, and find something that will really work for you.

What part of speech is bronchitis?

The word bronchitis is a noun. Bronchitis is an inflammation of bronchi in the lungs.

What are health problems related to air pollution?

Air pollution commonly causes respiratory ailments and skin problems.

What are the main causes for hemoptysis?

Hemoptysis is when someone is couching up blood or blood stained mucus. There are several things that can cause this. Some of the more common causes are pneumonia, bronchitis, or a pulmonary embolism.

Can metronidazole treat bronchitis?

Metronidazole can it treat Bronchitis

What is the scientific name for Bronchitis?

The scientific name for Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial tubes.

How does bronchitis affect human body?

what is the treatment for chronic bronchitis