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The features of process-oriented performance assessment design is that it contains performance characteristics and objectives. This design can be used multiple number of times.

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Q: What are features of process-oriented performance assessment design?
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What are the best feature of product oriented performance assessment design?

the best features of product - oriented assessment is that it will measure or quantify the amount of learning or insights that the students obtained after the discussions of the teacher. with that , the students will be able to apply it to real- life setting or on the actual field of work.

What best features of a ptoduct oriented perfotmance assessment design?

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The specific conditions that are needed of a successful product-oriented performance assessment design is the students' must orient how to write a poem properly. Students' should know how to follow roles in making the poem. On the other hand it is evident that the poet put thought into their words and uniquely conveyed their ideas and emotion in making the poem.

What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of process oriented performance assessment design?

The specific conditions that are needed of a successful product-oriented performance assessment design is the students' must orient how to write a poem properly. Students' should know how to follow roles in making the poem. On the other hand it is evident that the poet put thought into their words and uniquely conveyed their ideas and emotion in making the poem.

What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of process-oriented performance assessment design?

The specific conditions that are needed of a successful product-oriented performance assessment design is the students' must orient how to write a poem properly. Students' should know how to follow roles in making the poem. On the other hand it is evident that the poet put thought into their words and uniquely conveyed their ideas and emotion in making the poem.

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