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Compressed gasses are classified as either oxidizers, flammable or inert gases. Oxidizers, though not flammable, will contribute to combustion as an oxidant. Flammable gases, in combination with the right mix of air and oxygen will explode or burn if ignited. Inert gases neither react with other agents nor independently burn.

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9y ago
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1w ago

Gases and liquids are both categorized as fluids. Fluids are substances that can flow and take the shape of their container, with gases having the ability to expand to fill the entire available space and liquids having a fixed volume that adapts to the shape of their container.

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14y ago


All atoms are very close together and all atoms vibrate a little due to the fact that they have more energy than a solid. They can move around a bit which allows them to flow when poured.


Free particles with lots of energy, flying through the air. Spaced very far apart and bump into each other as they whiz about.

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14y ago

A solid is matter that has a definite shape and a definite volume, such as a brick.

A liquid is matter that has a definite volume, but no definite shape, such as Orange Juice.

A gas is matter that has no definite shape or volume, such as oxygen.

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10y ago

Liquids an gases are both known as fluids.

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11y ago

Liquid and gas are known as two of the states of matter...other states include solid, plasma and Bose-Einstein Condensate.

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11y ago

states or phases of matter

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Q: What are gases and liquids categorized as?
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How are gases and liquids alike?

Gases and liquids are both considered fluids because they can flow and take the shape of their container. They can exert pressure on the walls of their container and have molecules that move freely past each other. However, liquids have higher density and are less compressible compared to gases.

Which substances can heat travel through by convection?

Heat can travel through fluids such as water and air by convection. In this process, warmer fluid molecules move upwards, carrying heat energy with them, while cooler fluid molecules move downwards to take their place. This creates a continuous circulation of heat energy within the fluid.

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How do liquids and gases differ?

Liquids have a definite volume and take the shape of their container, while gases expand to fill their container completely. Liquids have stronger intermolecular forces than gases, allowing them to maintain a fixed volume. Gases are compressible, unlike liquids.

In what way are liquids and gases alike?

Liquids and gases are both considered fluids because they can flow and take the shape of their container. They both have the ability to move and are not held in a fixed shape like solids. Additionally, both liquids and gases can expand and contract based on changes in temperature and pressure.

When molecules in liquids and gases are heated they?

When molecules in liquids and gases are heated they move faster

Does radiation travel through solids liquids or gases?

Radiation can travel through solids, liquids, and gases. The extent to which radiation penetrates these materials depends on factors such as the type of radiation, the energy level, and the density of the material.

A process by which energy is transferred in gases and liquids?

Convection is the process by which energy is transferred in gases and liquids. It involves the movement of the fluid due to differences in density caused by temperature variances. Warmer, less dense fluid rises, while cooler, denser fluid sinks, creating a continuous circulation to transfer heat energy.

Are gases and liquids forces?

No. Gases and liquids are matter. Matter is not a force; it is acted upon by forces. Gases and liquids can exert a force or transmit a force, but they themselves are not forces.

All solids liquids and gases are?

some solids,liquids and gases are dangers some are not dangers

What canonly liquids and gases do what soilds can not?

Only liquids and gases can flow, a solid object can not flow.

Why are liquids and gases alike?

liquids and gases have almost the same molecular structure which makes the alikw