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Good insultators include non-metals such as wood, plastics, rubber, styrofoam, cotton, wool and paper. Some of these materials may conduct electricity when wet.

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Q: What are good insulators of electric current?
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What insulators stop electrical current?

Not really, insulators simply cannot support the passage of an electric current.

Contrast insulators and conductors?

Insulators do not allow electric current to flow through. Conductors allow electric current to flow through.

What can not carry electric current easily?

Electrical insulators. Materials such as rubber, plastic, wood, air and some ceramics are all poor conductors of electricity, or good insulators.

What carries electric current not easily?

Electrical insulators. Materials such as rubber, plastic, wood, air and some ceramics are all poor conductors of electricity, or good insulators.

What a good insulators?

Insulator is a material that resists the flow of electric current. materials such as glass, paper or Teflon are very good electrical insulators. These materials are used to support or separate electrical conductors without passing current through themselves.

What do you call the material that resist the flow of electric current?


What does not conduct electric current?

rubber, wood. etc, insulators

Insulators offer resistance to the flow of electric current.?

Yes, different grades of insulators can offer different levels of resistance to current flow of electrons within a closed circuit. For instance the flow of current would be different between wood and rubber, both insulators.

Is jute string good conductor of electricity?

ofcourse jute thread is an insulator. conductors are which allow electric current to pass through them ans insulators are those who do not allow .conductors are all metals

What is conductors of insulators?

Heat, electric current, or foreign ideology. Whatever you need to insulate against.

What is the ability of a substance to oppose or slow down electric current?

Insulators typically slow the movement of electrons through an electric current. Bad conductors, such as rubber, can be used to slow, stop, and/or redirect electric current.CommentInsulators do not 'slow down', 'stop', or 'redirect' current! Simply put, insulators don't have enough charge carriers to support conduction.

Do thermal insulators conduct good heat?

No. The definition of an insulator is: something that inhibits the flow of energy (heat, light, electromagnetic, electric current) from one region of space to another. Therefore thermal (heat) insulators do not conduct heat.