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the moon , frosted glass, aluminium

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Guido Larkin

Lvl 13
2y ago
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13y ago
  • Good reflectors
  • materials that are good conductors of electricity and heat are also good reflectors

  • good reflectors reflect most of the radiation that hits the object!

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11y ago

White surface is a better reflector of light

(Nothing on your list is an efficient reflector of light.)

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14y ago

mirrors are great

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12y ago



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Q: What are good reflectors of sound with example?
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Are reflectors or absorbers good for keeping cold?

it's reflectors.....

What are the practical applications of reflection of sound?

Parabolic sound reflectors, Speaking tubes and Stethoscope

What is an example of sound energy?

Anything with sound is a good example of sound energy.Examples: laugh, scream, yelling, hollaring: )

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What is one rfeal life example for reflectors?

mirrors=reflects light

Do cat's eyes give out light?

No but they are very good reflectors.

What materials are bad reflectors?

Materials that are bad reflectors include black surfaces, rough surfaces, and materials with high absorbance properties, such as coal or felt. These materials do not bounce back light efficiently and absorb a significant amount of it instead.

What material can stop sound waves?

Materials that are good reflectors of sound include:Polished woodBricksGlassSmooth surfacesHard objects are the good reflectors of sound because particles bounce straight off them. If they are smooth, the sound reflects at the same angle it hit the surface and is not spread out.

Are all light reflectors opaque?

No, not all light reflectors are opaque. Some reflectors, such as mirrors and polished metal surfaces, can be transparent or translucent while still effectively reflecting light. The ability of the material to reflect light is more important than its opacity.

The largest visible light telescopes are now all what?

The largest visible light telescopes are now all ground-based, such as the Keck Observatory in Hawaii or the Very Large Telescope in Chile. These telescopes provide high-resolution images and data of celestial objects in visible light.

What surfaces are good reflectors of infared radiation?

Personally i could not give a flying f*ck

How many photographic reflectors should I buy if I am setting up a small photography studio?

There is no minimum number of photographic reflectors that need to be purchased to set up a photography studio. A lot of it depends on the type of photography you plan to do. For example, there are reflectors for use in outdoor shots, indoor shots, for people shots, for food shots, etc.