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Does "to live in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed, stewed in corruption, honeying and making love over the nasty sty" not make it clear enough for you? Perhaps "he that hath killed my king and whored my mother" is clearer.

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Q: What are hamlets opinions on the marriage of claudius and Gertrude?
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How marries Claudius?

Gertrude, Hamlets mother.

What was the name of Hamlets mother?

Hamlet's mother is Gertrude. She is the queen of Denmark and is married to Claudius. She was originally married to Old Hamlet before he was murdered by Claudius. Gertrude is a weak woman that needs a man around her (ie. her quick marriage to Claudius). Gertrude loves Hamlet dearly, but also watches as Hamlet is sent away to his death.

What play does the theater troupe perform at Hamlets request?

The death of his father and the marriage of his mother Gertrude to his uncle Claudius.

How did Claudius hamlets uncle die?

Hamlet stabs him after Queen Gertrude dies from drinking the poision that was meant for Hamlet.

How does gertrude explain hamlets murder of polonius?

Gertrude tells Claudius that it was out of madness. This means that Gertrude had not divulged the knowledge that Hamlet was faking his madness.

What is hamlets mothers name?

Queen Gertrude.

Who did Hamlets mother remarry?

Hamlet's mother married his uncle (his father's brother) after his father's death.

How do claudius and gertrude respond to hamlets melancholy?

They want him to stop. They are thinking about how happy their marital bliss will be and he is going all Gothic. Gertrude tries to gently persuade him to cheer up, as does Claudius, although his argument is a little more forceful. But basically they both tell him to get over it. People die; that is their nature. You have to just accept that and move on.

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Who was gertrude in Hamlet?

Gertrude is the Queen of Denmark and the mother of Hamlet. She has no idea that Claudius killed her son's father. As shown in Act 3 scene 4. This reasoning comes from where Hamlet goes to her room and tells her angrily of what she has done wrong. It is news to her of Claudius being a murder and a villain.

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