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Q: What are joysticks and memory metals examples of?
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Joysticks and memory metals are examples of?

Joysticks are input devices used to control the movement of objects in video games and other applications. Memory metals, on the other hand, are materials that can remember their original shapes and return to them when heated or subjected to other stimuli. Both joysticks and memory metals are examples of technologies that serve specific purposes in different fields.

What are the examples of ict gadget?

Scanners, Printers, Keyboards, Monitors, Joysticks

What are the different types of joysticks?

the broad types of joysticks known to me are DIGITAL JOYSTICKS, PADDLE JOYSTICKS , JOY PADS......... raqib ...........................

Joysticks and steering wheels are examples of blank controllers?

Analog. They re-interpret physical movements to digital signals.

What are some examples of hard solid metals?

what are some examples of hard metals

What does analog mean on the ps2?

When the analog is on on the controller, that means you can use the joysticks. If it is off, then the joysticks are disabled.

What are examples of primary memory?

examples of primary memory are RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM , etc.....

What are examples of programmable Read Only memory?

flash memory

Which two metals might be used for the edge connectors of memory modules and memory?

Gold or Tin

What are examples of ductile metals?


What are examples of secondary memory?

Examples of secondary memory are magnetic type,floppy disk,CD roms etc

What are the non metals and metals?

Examples of metals: sodium, uranium, mercury, zinc, plutonium, calcium etc. Examples of nonmetals: oxygen, helium, carbon, sulfur, argon, nitrogen etc.