

What are levels in a experiment?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What are levels in a experiment?
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2*2*2*3 = 24 trials.

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The answer depends on the experiment. Possible variables are: the substance being fermented, the yeast used, exposure to oxygen, time, sugar levels, alcohol levels, temperature. Any of these can be independent variables. The sugar and alcohol levels can be dependent variables.

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I just conducted an experiment with a small amount of limstone in beakers of acids and bases and the Ph levels stayed the same.

How many Magic logs does it take to get from 85 fm to 99?

You can use an online skill calculator to answer this type of questions. It will quickly let you experiment with different types of logs, and different skill levels. Those can even get your exact xp from the RuneScape hi-scores.You can use an online skill calculator to answer this type of questions. It will quickly let you experiment with different types of logs, and different skill levels. Those can even get your exact xp from the RuneScape hi-scores.You can use an online skill calculator to answer this type of questions. It will quickly let you experiment with different types of logs, and different skill levels. Those can even get your exact xp from the RuneScape hi-scores.You can use an online skill calculator to answer this type of questions. It will quickly let you experiment with different types of logs, and different skill levels. Those can even get your exact xp from the RuneScape hi-scores.

What are the applications of the Franck-Hertz experiment in physics?

The Franck-Hertz experiment provided clear proof of the ideas of Neils Bohr as regards electrons orbiting atomic nuclei and doing so at clearly defined energy levels (which translates into orbitals). By extension, conducting this experiment on different materials allows the energy levels of the electrons in a material to be discovered. Materials might be identified in this way. A sample could be experimented on and the energy level of the material discovered and compared to know materials, thus revealing its identity.

Is soap an ohmic conductor?

The best way to determine this is by experiment. You should try different kinds of soap, and at different levels of wetness, since the answer may vary.

What is the difference between a factor and variable?

A factor of an experiment is a controlled independent variable; a variable whose the differences between means for different levels of one factor.

Ernest Rutherford's contribution to the atomic structure due to the gold foil experiment?

Ernest did an experiment where he shot alpha particles into a gold foil that proved the concept of a nuclear atom, that is an atom with a nucleus made of protons and neutrons and have electrons moving around the nucleus in some way. His experiment did not show the position of electrons or energy levels or even how they moved.