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The general consensus of the scientific community is that global warming is caused by what is known as the greenhouse effect. There are a number of gases, of which carbon dioxide is the most important, which have the property of being transparent to visible light but opaque to infrared light. As a result, they effect the world like a blanket. They allow warmth to reach the surface of the Earth from the sun, but then they keep that warmth in at night, when it otherwise would be radiated back to space in the form of infrared radiation. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are increasing, because of a number of human activities, including the burning of fossil fuels, and the large scale raising of cattle (cattle produce methane as a byproduct of their digestion, which will eventually burn and form carbon dioxide - methane is a powerful greenhouse gas in any event, whether it burns or not).

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Excessive emissions of carbon dioxide along with other forms of atmospheric pollution and ozone depletion.

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Q: What are long term causes of global warming?
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What is GWP100?

Global warming potential over 100 years. Typically compared to another value like GWP20 to show long term and short term effects on the environment.

Which greenhouse gas is a major cause of ocean acidification?

When we speak of global warming, we usually mean the rise in average global temperatures since the beginning of the Industrial Age. This is mainly caused by carbon dioxide, the atmospheric concentration of which has increased by over 35 per cent, from the long-term range of 260-280 parts per million (ppm) to the present level of over 380 ppm. Another greenhouse gas that has made a significant contribution to global warming is methane, which is a far more potent greenhouse gas but fortunately exists in much lower concentrations.Carbon dioxide is the greenhouse gas that is largely responsible for global warming.

Was last year's average global temperature cooler than the long-term average?


Why is it bad for the earth to use fossil fuels?

The burning of fossil fuels is bad because it causes carbon dioxide levels to rise in the atmosphere. This extra carbon dioxide adds to the enhanced greenhouse effect causing global warming. This is why burning fossil fuels is bad. If we use more fuels then we should, the planet and mankind itself suffers in the long term. Pollution is a natural and problematic affect of this overuse. It causes pollution. Fossil fuels are bad for the environment because they create greenhouse gases which go up in to the atmosphere and magnify the suns heat which can cause ice caps to melt then that leads to the sea level rising which causes flooding and if too much ice melts animals in the Arctic could die.

What are the long term and short term effects of nuclear energy?

long term it may elevate long term cancer risks

Related questions

What is global warming activity?

Global warming refers to the long term increase of the earths temperature. It is directly linked to climate change but is not an interchangeable term for it.

Why is the term climate change used than global warming?

Global warming causes climate change. We now use the term climate change because it deals with all the many changes. Global warming is still happening and the warming is putting more energy into the atmosphere. This extra energy is changing the climate.

What is the another term for the greenhouse effect?

Global warming, but the two terms are not the same.The natural greenhouse effect keeps the planet warm.The enhanced greenhouse effect causes global warming.Global warming causes climate change.

How does global warming cause long-term changes in the global temperature?

Global warming is long term changes - increases - in the global temperature.The increases in the global temperature are being caused by the accelerated greenhouse effect. That is, more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (methane, but largely carbon dioxide from our burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas) capture more of the sun's heat and warm the atmosphere. This extra warming is global warming.

What are long term consequences of ozone depletion?

There are many long term consequences. Global warming, floods etc are some of the examples.

What are the short term and long term consequences of ozone depletion for Antarctica?

Short term can cause personal problems. Long term can cause global warming.

Will Global Warming cover Idaho?

yes global warming covers the whole globe hence the term GLOBAL

What is a more accurate term for global warming?

The rise in temperature all over the world. This is not more accurate. It is the same way of saying it. Global warming causes climate change, but is not the same as climate change.

Can you quote another term for global warming?

Climate change. Though that is actually caused by global warming.

How is the term Global warming used in a sentence?

Global warming is the main cause for our drastic changes in temperature.

What is the technical term for global warming in Telugu?

The technical term for global warming in Telugu is "లోక ఉష్ణోగ్రత" (loka ushnogra).

Why does El Nino causes short term global warming?

It's about conventional current of air mass. Namely the Hadley cell.