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ANSWER: can accumulate over generations so that descendants are very different from their ancestors

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Q: What are minor genetic differences between parents and offspring?
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What are the differences between offspring form by sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction?

Offspring formed by sexual reproductions use both parents' genetic material that differs from the parents. Offspring formed by asexual reproduction is formed by a single parent and is identical to the parent.

What are genetic traits?

Genetic traits are variations of features passed on to offspring from there parents.

What are passed from parents to offspring?

genetic characteristics

What passes from offspring to parents?

genetic characteristics

What results in offspring with exact copies of their parents geontypes?

The offspring are genetic copies of their parents (and it's genotypes).

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What sexual reproduction give species?

Sexual reproduction allows for genetic diversity in a species by combining the genetic material of two individuals to create offspring with unique combinations of traits. This diversity increases the chances of survival and adaptability in changing environments. Additionally, it can help eliminate harmful mutations and increase the overall fitness of the population.

In sexual reproduction an offspring is produced with genes from both parents When the offspring has a new genetic variation that it got from neither of its parents it is called an?


In sexual reproduction an offspring is produced with genes from both parents. When the offspring has a new genetic variation that it got from neither of its parents it is called?


How does transmission occur for genetic conditions?

it is passed down from the parents to the offspring

What are some key differences between horizintal gene transfer gene transfer and vertical descent with mutation?

Horizontal gene transfer involves the transfer of genetic material between different species, while vertical descent with mutation involves the passing on of genetic material from parent to offspring within the same species. Horizontal gene transfer can lead to rapid acquisition of new traits, while vertical descent with mutation is a slower process that drives evolutionary changes over generations within a species. Horizontal gene transfer can introduce genetic diversity quickly, while vertical descent with mutation helps in maintaining genetic stability within a species.