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Q: What are most rocks in the lunar Maria made of?
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Are Most rocks made from silicates?


Are Most rocks are made from silicates.?


Can rocks make cars?

No. Rocks just lie there. Cars in the most basic sense are made of rocks and crude oil. Rocks are mined for metal that are in them. Oil is made into plastic.

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Are most sedimentary rocks made?

Most sedimentary rocks are made from the accumulation and compaction of sediments such as clay, sand, and rock fragments. These sediments are often deposited by water, wind, or ice over time.

What statement best describes the relationship between rocks and minerals?

Most rocks are made of minerals.

Do rocks have minerals in it?

yes most have many different types

How is rocks made?

Sedimentary rocks are made by sediment that has sat over time. Most of theses rock are found at the bottom of lakes and oceans.

Rocks are classified by what criteria?

Most simply, rocks are classified by how they are formed:igneous rocks are made by the setting of molten magma or lavasedimentary rocks are made when grains weathered from existing rocks settle to the bottom of water bodies, then get buried and compressed into rocksmetamorphic rocks are made by the effects of heat and pressure on existing rocks, which cause them to recrystallise without melting.

What rock have the most minerals?

All rocks are made of minerals

What are most rocks made out of?

Rocks are primarily made up of minerals, which are naturally occurring inorganic substances with a distinct chemical composition and crystal structure. The most common minerals found in rocks are quartz, feldspar, mica, and calcite. Additionally, rocks may also contain organic materials, such as fossils or coal.

Is your earth made out of a volcano?

No. Most rocks and earth are not directly from volcanoes.