

What are non-examples of liquids?

Updated: 5/28/2024
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Examples of non-liquids include solids like ice, and gases like oxygen. These substances do not have the properties of liquids, such as taking the shape of their container or maintaining a constant volume.

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How is miscibility of 2 liquids related to their polarity?

The miscibility of two liquids is typically related to their polarity. Generally, polar liquids are more likely to be miscible with other polar liquids, while nonpolar liquids are more likely to be miscible with other nonpolar liquids. This is due to similar intermolecular forces between molecules that allow them to mix easily.

What is the negation of some drinks are not liquids?

The negation of "some drinks are not liquids" is "all drinks are liquids." This statement asserts that every drink is a liquid.

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Combustible liquids can catch fire and burn easily at relatively low temperatures, while noncombustible liquids do not burn or support combustion. Combustible liquids have a flash point below 100°F, while noncombustible liquids have a flash point above 100°F.

What is mixability of liquids?

Mixability of liquids refers to how well different liquids combine or mix together to form a homogeneous solution. Liquids that are easily mixable will blend well with each other, whereas liquids that are immiscible will not mix and form separate layers instead. Examples of easily mixable liquids are water and ethanol, while oil and water are examples of immiscible liquids.

Examples of miscible liquids?

Water and ethanol, acetone and ethyl acetate, and toluene and hexane are examples of miscible liquids. Miscible liquids can be mixed together in any proportion without separating into layers.