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Q: What are objects that store electrical energy called?
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Do solar panels store energy?

No, they only transform light energy to electrical energy. If they are connected to a battery the battery will be able to store the electrical energy.

Where is the store of electrical energy in a circuit?

Capacitors, inductors, and batteries all store electrical energy.

What energy do batteries give?

electrical, chemical, heat, and light energy

What objets that are store electrical energy?


How did Benjamin Franklin use lightning to catch electricity in a bottle?

To my knowledge Benjamin Franklin did not store lightning energy in a bottle. There were capacitors called Leyden flasks at the time which could store electrical energy.

How do you store electrical energy from solar panels?

You can store it in a battery or by pumping water uphill.

What is used to store potential electrical energy?

A Battery or a capacitor.

What kind of energy batteries store?

Chemical energy. Batteries also convert chemical energy to electrical energy.

Why we can't store alternating current?

Not quite sure what you mean; a current, by definition, is a flow of electric charges. You can convert electrical energy to some other type of energy, and store the ENERGY, which can then be converted back later (there will always be some losses, of course), but it isn't clear what you mean by "store electrical current".

What is the energy stored in the center of an atom?

nuclear energy

How do you power a space buggy without pushing it?

They're operated by the use of propulsion devices specially developed for the manned space program, in the form of packages that store electrical energy, called "batteries", and devices mounted to the wheels which convert the stored electrical energy into mechanical energy, code-named "motors".

What give power to a car battery?

Automotive batteries are simply electrical storage devices. They store electrical energy for use next time you need to start the engine. The ALTERNATOR turns mechanical energy into electrical energy to recharge the battery.