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eat whatever to live animlas or palnt

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Q: What are opportunistic eaters?
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Do white sharks eat hammerhead sharks?

White sharks are opportunistic eaters. They will attack and eat a hammerhead.

What does dingoes eat?

Dingoes eat almost anything. They are not picky and are often opportunistic eaters. They eat carrion, insects, fruits, plants, and small mammals.

Will your frog and tadpoles eat each other if you put them in the same tank?

Yes. Frogs are very opportunistic eaters and will eat smaller versions of themselves.

What does an African lion eat and what does the animal it eats eat?

They generally eat impalas, wildebeest and zebra. They are opportunistic eaters and will eat other prey if necessary.

Are crows carnivores?

Crows are carnivores (meat eaters), granivores (eaters of grains and small hard fruits), and invertevores (eaters of invertebrates). They most commonly eat small animals, grain, fruits, insects, and carrion (the flesh of dead animals). Crows are essentially opportunistic - they will eat whatever is available.

Do yabbies eat fish food?

Crayfish are opportunistic eaters and as such would consume mostly anything. However, the food must reach the bottom of the tank to be eaten.

Where does a hedgehog finds its food?

Hedgehogs are mainly insectivorous; however, they are opportunistic eaters and will eat what they can find (berries, eggs, etc) They also love to find gardens to "borrow" food from.

Are Skunk meat eaters?

Yes, a skunk will eat small rodents, moles, lizards, earthworms, frogs, birds, and other small mammals. They also eat insects, leaves, grass, nuts, fungi, berries, and even ants. They are opportunistic eaters and eat whatever is available to them.

Do sharks eat seabirds?

Yes they do especially Tiger sharks, which eats basically anything in their path, including large seabirds and turtles. They have a reputation of being greedy and opportunistic eaters because of this.

Who decided to eat a chicken egg when it came out?

Humans were once gatherers. That is, they were opportunistic eaters, and the well fed opportunist watches what the wildlife around him eats--safe for pigs, dogs, and other primates, safe for humans.

Do lion eat lizards?

Lions are the fiercest predators on land. They are also opportunistic eaters and will eat the carcass of an animal killed by another predator or anything else that unfortunately crosses their path. This includes lizards.

What is a king cobras' favorite food?

Snakes are opportunistic eaters, and will eat whatever crosses their path that appears edible.