

What are pointer stars?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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Pointer stars are stars which are used to find an area of the sky. For example, you might be looking for a dim galaxy or small star. You can use two bright stars on a map, find those in the sky, and then find the approximate position of what you are trying to look at by using the location and spacing of the more obvious pointer stars.

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13y ago
  • Southern Cross: Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri
  • Polaris: Alpha Ursae Majoris (Dubhe) and Beta Ursae Majoris (Merak).
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Define pointer star?

Pointer Stars are stars that are used to pinpoint other areas in the sky, such as constellations.

Which star do the pointer stars point to?

Merak and Dubhe, often referred to as the pointer stars, point to Polaris, which many people know as the North Star.

What are the names of the 2 pointer stars?

Merak and Dubhe

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The North Star Tail stars

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The Big Dipper is one of the most recognizable groups of stars in the sky. The pointer stars in the bowl of the dipper point toward the North Star.

What is a pointer star?

Its basically the stars that are at one of the earths axes or stars that point to the main stars at the 2 axes.

Are pointer stars part of ursa major?

YES. Ursa Major also contains the big dipper (which is not a constellation, it is an asterism) and the pointer stars are located in the handle of the big dipper.

What star does the pointer star of the big dipper point to?

The two pointer stars point to Polaris, the north star

What do the Pointer stars in the bowl of the big dipper point towards?


What are the names of the two pointer stars of the big Dipper?

Merak and Dubhe.

The constellation in which the Pointer Stars are located?

The question is vague. There are many stars called "pointer" stars. For example, two of the stars in Ursa Major lie along a line that passes very near Polaris. A completely different set of stars in Ursa Major form an arc that passes near Regulus. There are plenty of other such astronomical coincidences.

The constellation that contains the pointer stars used to locate Polaris the North Star is?
